Learn German

Learn to Speak German

Learning to speak German, like any language, requires dedication, practice, and an organized approach. Our website (routetogermany.com) and associated German learning books provide a methodical step-by-step guide to help you learn to speak German:

Establishing Well-Defined Objectives

Identify the motivation behind your desire to speak German. Is it for the purpose of traveling, professional endeavors, familial connections, or personal interests? Establishing distinct goals will serve as a source of constant motivation.

Selecting an Effective Learning Method

There's a widespread misconception that German is a difficult language to learn and speak. While this might be true for Chinese or Japanese speakers, it's far from the truth, especially for English or Dutch speakers and generally for those who speak Indo-European languages.

The selected path of instructions, however, has a significant impact on how simple it is to learn a new language.

Here, we start teaching German with the extreme basics, using a self-study approach that allows you to set your learning pace according to your available time.

Begin with Learning How to Pronounce Words

German is a very easy language to speak. Our course starts with learning the German alphabet and pronunciation. Understanding the vocal structure of the language is crucial. The first few lessons of our course focus on correct pronunciation. After lesson 4, you will feel how easy it is to speak German.

German Language Basics

We gradually build upon essential grammar knowledge, such as verb conjugation, noun gender, and word order. These fundamentals are crucial for constructing coherent sentences.


Practice is the part that you have to do yourself. Our German learning books are provided with exercises. Read these exercises while you are writing them. That will improve your German speaking skills. All exercises are provided with audio files. You have space in the books to practice the exercises, but we recommend writing these exercises on separate papers.

To improve your writing skills, listen to the provided audio with exercises and write on the paper. It would be good if you made your own notes out of each lesson and repeated these daily, even if you are not learning something new.

Remember that language learning is a gradual process, and everyone progresses at their own pace. Stay motivated, stay consistent, and enjoy the journey of learning to speak German.

German Learning Books

German language learning books offer comprehensive resources for individuals who are just starting their journey in mastering the German language. These books are designed to provide a well-rounded learning experience, combining detailed explanations of grammatical concepts, a wide range of exercises, extensive vocabulary lists, and audio support to cater to beginners.

Visit the German Learning Books page.

German Grammer Level A2

The A2 level German language course represents the next step in your journey towards learning German. The A2 level is structured for those who have completed the A1 level. In the A2 course, students are introduced to the next level of grammar topics and vocabulary, and they will learn to communicate in German in various situations. After completing the A2 level, you will have acquired a solid foundation in German grammar and will be able to communicate with greater confidence and fluency in a variety of situations. Progressing to the B1 level will be your next accomplishment after mastering A2.

  1. Intro to the Second Level (A2 Level)

German Grammer Summary

It's a reference section. You have already learned German grammar, now, this section includes German grammar topics in one place for you.