Road Signs in Germany
There are over one thousand traffic signs in the German traffic code. A detailed list of German road signs according to their serial numbers is available on this page below. On the page, Important Road Signs are presented in groups.
Please note that traffic sign numbers are just to identify a traffic sign. These numbers are not asked in any driving license exam.
Traffic tickets for violations committed on German roads use these numbers to refer to traffic signs related to violations.
Obsolete traffic signs are not included in the following list.
- 101 - 200 (Warning Signs)
- 201 - 300 (Regulatory Signs)
- 301 - 600 (Directional Signs)
- 601 - 720 (Traffic Installations)
Supplementary Signs, from Sign 1000 Onwards
- Supplementary Signs Indicating the Length of a Segment
- Supplementary Priority Road Signs
- Supplementary Signs Indicating the Remaining Distance
- Signs Indicating Danger in Written Form
- Signs Displaying Information through Symbols
- Signs Sharing Information via Statements
- Supplementary Signs with the German Word "Frei"
- Supplementary Signs for Time Limitation
- Supplementary Signs for Time Limitations on Weekdays
- Supplementary Signs with Other Restrictions
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Warning signs
Danger signs / Warning signs are placed 150m-250m before the approaching danger. In Germany, warning signs are triangular with a thick red border and white background. . The actual warning is always illustrated in a black color symbol or writing.
This is a general danger or warning sign. A supplementary sign attached below this sign explains the actual nature of the approaching danger.
Further categories of 101 danger sign
There can be low air traffic above the road.
Pedestrian crossing ahead. This sign is placed 150m - 250m before the actual pedestrian crosswalk. To read more details about pedestrian crossing signs, please see this article.
Indicates danger of domestic animals and mud on the road.
Warning of horse riders crossing the road.
This sign indicates migrating amphibians may cross the road.
The danger of falling rocks. Stopping or parking should be avoided here.
Beware of an icy road ahead. The road can be slippery.
Possible Loose chippings ahead. Indicates a stretch of road that has loose surface material.
Unguarded water body along the road is approaching.
Narrowed clearance by trees. Drivers of higher vehicles should drive with care.
Moveable or swing bridge ahead.
This road sign indicates an uncontrolled intersection or a junction (intersection or junction with right-before-left rule). Yield to the traffic approaching from your right side.
A single curve is approaching in the left direction.
A single curve is approaching in the right direction.
Indicates an approaching double curve - first to the left.
Indicates an approaching double curve - first to the right.
This warning sign is posted before steep downgrades.
Indicates an approaching upgrade.
Warning of a rough road ahead.
The danger of skidding or slipping. Indicates stretches of road that may be slippery when wet or dirty.
Warning of a crosswind from the right
A crosswind from the left
The road narrows on both sides. In the case of a one-way-street, the zipper rule applies.
The road narrows from the right side. Yield to oncoming traffic through the narrow passage. In the case of a one-way-street, the zipper rule applies.
The road narrows from the left side. Oncoming traffic must wait. In the case of a one-way-street, the zipper rule applies.
Work in process. Be aware of workers on the road.
Warning of a traffic jam (Stau) ahead. A supplementary electronic or metallic sign with the German word "Staugefahr" can be added to the general danger sign. "Stau" means traffic jam/congestion and "Staugefahr" means the danger of traffic jam.
Be aware of oncoming traffic (Two-way traffic sign). Please check this article for more details.
Indicates the traffic signal ahead.
Pedestrians may cross the road - installation on the right side of the road. (This is not a sign for the pedestrian crosswalk.)
Pedestrians may cross the road - installation on the left side of the road.
Pay attention to children - installation on the left side of the road.
Be aware of cyclists. Please read this article for more details about signs with a cycle symbol.
Be aware of cyclists, second variation - installation on the left side of the road.
Indicates wild animals may cross the road.
Indicates an unguarded railroad crossing. Please see this article for details about railroad crossing.
Railroad crossing with a three-lane beacon, and with distance indication - installation on the right side of the road.
The level crossing beacon. It marks a distance of 240 meters. It may be placed before the railroad crossing along with sign 151.
The level crossing beacon. Indicates a distance of 160 meters. Its purpose is the same as sign 157-11.
Final level crossing beacon before the crossing. It marks a distance of 80 meters.
Regulatory Signs
Regulatory signs prohibit or prescribe an action. In Germany, prohibitory signs are generally red and white circles while mandatory signs are blue circles. Both prohibitory signs and mandatory signs are canceled by black and white circular signs. However, there are few exceptions.
St. Andrew's cross indicating railroad crossing. Rail transport has priority.
Indicates an electrified railroad crossing.
Railroad crossing (Horizontal variation). Prioritizes rail transport.
Electrified railroad crossing (Horizontal variation).
STOP and yield sign. At the STOP sign driver must come to a complete stop and make sure no other vehicles or pedestrians (as the case may be) are coming before proceeding.
Indicates that traffic must turn right (after the signboard).
Indicates that traffic must turn left (after the signboard).
The mandatory direction of travel is straight ahead. No turns are permitted.
Must turn right (before the signboard).
Must turn left (before the signboard).
Mandatory directions of travel, straight ahead or right (after the signboard).
Mandatory directions of travel, straight ahead or left (after the signboard).
Mandatory direction of travel, right or left. Stright ahead is not allowed or closed.
Indicates entrance to a traffic circle (roundabout). Traffic in the circle has the right-of-way. Turn signals are not required when entering a roundabout but must be used when exiting. To read more about German roundabout laws please visit the Right-of-Way page.
One-way street. Backing up and making U-turns in one-way streets is prohibited.
Prescribed drive direction around the obstacle. Drive from the right of the obstacle.
Prescribed drive direction around the obstacle. Drive from the left of the obstacle.
Use of hard shoulder as a driving lane permitted. The number of arrows indicates the number of lanes on the roadway.
Use of hard shoulder as a driving lane permitted. The number of arrows indicates the number of lanes on the roadway.
No more use of the hard shoulder as a driving lane permitted.
No more use of the hard shoulder as a driving lane permitted.
Leave the hard shoulder and merge into the adjacent driving lane.
Leave the hard shoulder and merge into the adjacent driving lane.
Bus and streetcar/tram stop. An additional sign indicates whether the stop is for the bus or streetcar. Parking or stopping within 15 meters of this sign is prohibited.
School bus stop. 15 m parking prohibition before and after this sign. "Schulbus" means school bus. "Werktag" means working days. "Außer Samstags" means except Saturdays.
Taxi stand. Indicates an area reserved for taxis. Other vehicles are not allowed to park here unless showed by a supplementary sign. Parking prohibition is only applicable on the side of the road on which these signs are posted.
No parking/no stopping signs may have arrows. Arrows indicate the start, middle, or end of the no parking/no stopping area. An arrow pointing "towards" the road indicates the start of no parking/no stopping area. An arrow pointing "away" from the street shows the end of no parking/no stopping area and two arrows pointing in opposite directions indicate the midpoint of a no parking/no stopping. Please read the article no parking signs with arrows for more details.
Further categories of "no stopping - taxi stand sign" 229
Bicycle lane. Indicates the path restricted to and mandatory for bicycles. Please also see this article.
Bridleway. This sign indicates a path that is restricted to and mandatory for horse riders.
Pedestrian walkway. Indicates a track restricted to and mandatory for pedestrians.
A shared path for pedestrians and cyclists
Shared but separated paths for pedestrians and cyclists. Cyclists must stay on left and pedestrians on right.
Shared but separated paths for pedestrians and cyclists. Cyclists must stay on the right and pedestrians on the left.
Start of the pedestrian zone. Indicates an area where only pedestrians are permitted. Cyclists also must walk and push their cycles.
End of the pedestrian zone. Residents of the pedestrian zone must park their vehicles outside the zone, also at night. Sometimes loading vehicles are allowed during specified timings. Such vehicles must yield when leaving the pedestrian zone.
Bicyclist lane/path. A bicycle lane is a track intended just for cycling. Only a supplementary sign allows the entrance of another vehicle class or pedestrians.
End of the bicyclist lane
Bus lane or Bus-only lane. Other vehicles are not allowed to use this lane. Parking is also not allowed in this lane.
No entry for any type of Vehicle. Motorcycles, Mopeds, and bicycles can be pushed by hands with the engine turned off.
Prohibits entry to all motor vehicles except single-tracked motorcycles. Please see this para also.
No entry for motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3.5 t.
No bicycles
No entry for all kinds of motorcycles and mopeds
No entry for mopeds
No entry for Horse riders
Animal-drawn wagons not permitted
Farmers are not allowed to bring livestock on the road.
No entry for buses and coaches
No entry for passenger cars
No entry for passenger cars with trailers
Motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3.5 t with trailers are not permitted. (They are permitted without trailers.)
No entry for slow-moving vehicles. (Vehicles that are not allowed to attain a speed or can't reach the speed of 25 km/h.)
No Pedestrians Permitted
All types of motor vehicles, including motorcycles and mopeds, are not permitted.
Motor vehicles with dangerous goods are not permitted.
Indicates total vehicle weight limit. Vehicles more than indicated weight are not permitted.
Maximum load limit per axle
Maximum width limit
Maximumh height limit
Maximum length limit
Do not enter
Snow chains are mandatory. The max speed limit is 50 km/h.
Prohibition for vehicles carrying water-polluting cargo
Low-emission zone / Environmental Zone. Please visit the page Environmental Zones in Germany for more details.
End of Low-emission zone / Environmental Zone.
U-turns not allowed
Trucks and semi-trucks must maintain the minimum mentioned distance.
Maximum allowed speed. Please also see this article about types of speed limits in Germany.
30 Zone. The maximum allowed speed is 30 km/h. The right before left rule is generally applicable in 30 zones.
20 Zone. The maximum allowed speed is 20 km/h. The right before left rule is generally also applicable in 20 zones.
End of 30 Zone. The speed limit is now 50 km/h. Which is a normal speed limit inside city limits, unless another speed limit is specifically mentioned.
End of 20 Zone. The speed limit is now 50 km/h unless a specific speed limit is mentioned.
Indicates the Minimum required speed. Vehicles slower than mentioned speed are not allowed on this road.
No Passing (overtaking) for any vehicle type except one line (track) transport (like motorcycles and mopeds).
No passing for vehicles with a total weight of over 3.5 t.
End of the previously set maximum speed limit. Now, adjust speed according to the area. (i.e. inside city limit: 50 km/h, outside city limits: 100 km/h, Autobahn advisory speed 130 km/h).
End of the minimum required speed
End of the no-passing zone for vehicles under 3.5 t
End of all passing (overtaking) restrictions
End of all previously set passing and speed restrictions. Also, check this link for more details.
Absolutely no stopping or parking. This sign is applicable only on the same side of the road on which it's installed. Parking and no parking are explained in detail on this page.
No stopping sign has further variations which show the start, middle, or endpoint of no stopping. Please read the details about arrows in this article on the parking in Germany page.
No parking. Only a short waiting stop of up to 3 minutes is allowed. The restriction is only applicable on the same side of the road on which the sign is installed.
An arrow pointing towards the road indicates the start of the no parking area. An arrow pointing away from the road marks end of the no parking area and two arrows indicate the midpoint of a no parking area.
No parking on all streets in the area. A short stop of up to 3 minutes is allowed. This sign is posted at the entrances to an area where parking is prohibited on all streets until the "End of parking restriction zone" sign 290.2 is reached. This sign may have supplementary signs.
Indicates the end of a parking prohibited zone
Directional Signs
Park and ride: indicates an area where vehicles can be parked and public transport is available.
Park and group ride. People traveling in the same directions make groups and travel in a vehicle to save money.
Parking area for hikers
Autobahn telephone booth. Indicates that public telephone available is available in the upcoming service area.
Emergency telephone
Petrol filling station
Liquefied petroleum gas is available at the petrol filling station.
Compressed natural gas is available at the petrol filling station.
Autobahn hotel
Autobahn restaurant
Autobahn snack machine
Autobahn lavatory
Autobahn chapel
Information point
Car repair service
Pedestrian underpass
Pedestrian overpass
Charging site for electric vehicles
Hydrogen filling station
Motorhome parking parking
Motorhome and camping trailer parking
Indicates priority, only at the upcoming intersection or crossing. Please also see this article.
Priority Road starts. This sign indicates a priority at all upcoming intersections and crossings till sign 307. Oncoming traffic must yield.
End of priority on the road
Priority over oncoming traffic. There is a narrow passage ahead.
Place name sign. After this sign city limit starts and speed must be reduced to 50 km/h.
End of the current city limits. Speed can be increased up to 100 km/h. The limit of the next city starts at the given distance.
Parking place sign. This sign also indicates the direction to parking area.
An arrow indicating towards the street marks the start of a parking place. An arrow pointing away from the street indicates the end of a parking lot and two arrows indicate the midpoint of a parking area. Please also see the page Parking.
parking garage
Start of a parking management zone. Parking in this zone is permitted on all streets with a parking disc or voucher as indicated by the additional sign.
End of the parking management zone
Parking on sidewalks: half left in the driving direction.
Parking on sidewalks: half right in the driving direction.
Parking on sidewalks: completely left in the driving direction.
Parking on sidewalks: completely right in the driving direction.
Perpendicular parking: half on the sidewalk and half in the street on left side of the road.
Perpendicular parking: half on the sidewalk and half in the street on right side of the road.
Perpendicular parking completely on the sidewalk on the left side of the road.
Perpendicular parking: completely on the sidewalk on the right side of the road.
Parking disk. When a vehicle is parked, the start time is set on this disc, so that authorities can see the parking start time. How to use Parking Disc in Germany?
Start of the Traffic-Controlled Residential Area (Normally called "play street"). This sign is posted on or before streets on which pedestrians and playing children have priority.
Indicates the end of the traffic-controlled residential area. Right before left rule doesn't apply when leaving these areas. All Vehicles leaving these areas must yield to the traffic on the main road, regardless of their directions.
A number with arrows indicates the length of the upcoming tunnel.
A number without arrows indicates the remaining distance to the upcoming tunnel.
An emergency stop and breakdown bay sign. Their usage is only allowed in an emergency.
Start of the Autobahn. From this point on, all rules and regulations governing the Autobahn must be obeyed.
End of Autobahn. Posted just before the end of the Autobahn. This sign may indicate the distance in meters to the end of the Autobahn.
Posted at the beginning of the Two-lane Expressway (Kraftfahrstraße). An entrance to this road is restricted to motor vehicles.
Indicates the end of a Two-lane Expressway. Posted where the restrictions required by sign 331.1 end.
This sign is placed just before the exit on the Autobahn. This indicates exit to the mentioned city/cities. (Here, Mainz and Wiesbaden are names of cities).
This sign is placed just prior to the exit on the roads other than Autobahn. It indicates exit to the mentioned city/cities.
Exit board on the roads other than Autobahn. This signboard indicates exit to the mentioned local destinations.
Authorized exit (in German Ausfahrt) from the Autobahn. Exits marked by this sign are the only authorized exits from the Autobahn.
"Ausfahrt" means "Exit".
Authorized exit from highways other than Autobahn.
Authorized exit from roads other than Autobahn to a local destination.
Pedestrian crossing. Please also read this article. This sign is installed on the right side of the road.
Pedestrian crossing. This sign is installed on the left side of the road.
Water protection zone. Vehicles carrying water-hazardous material should drive with care.
Traffic directed by school guard or traffic helper. Be aware of children on the road.
Indicates a dead-end street. Posted at the beginning of the dead-end street.
Dead end: cyclists and pedestrians can pass through.
Dead end: pedestrians can pass through.
First aid center or hospital
Police station
Place name (gives only information, does not imply a speed limit).
Point of interest. Indicates tourist attraction point. All tourist attraction signs are always posted solo.
Tourist route indicators
Tourist attraction point name with town or city name
Tourist attraction point name with the route information
Tourist attraction point: an attractive water body
Neckar is the name of a river in Germany.
Tourist information about a nearby attraction point
A detailed tourist information about a nearby attraction point
Toll road for Vehicles over 3.5 t
End of toll road
Toll road for all Vehicles
Control office of customs department
Speed limit information board; inside cities 50, outside city limits 100, Autobahn 130 (recommended speed).
Painted on streetlights that are turned off at night
Indicates the route number of the German Federal highway (Bundesstraße)
Indicates the route number of the German Autobahn
Autobahn interchange/exit numbers
European highway route number
Signpost at the junction leading onto a federal highway (Bundesstraße)
Signpost at the junction leading onto a federal highway with two cities on the route
Signpost at a junction leading onto a minor road (roads to smaller cities or towns)
Signpost at a junction leading onto smaller destinations (a village or small town).
Route direction for vehicles over 3.5 t
Route direction for vehicles carrying hazardous cargo and water-polluting cargo respectively.
Route direction (turn left) for vehicles over 3.5 t
Route direction (arrange in the left line) for vehicles over 3.5 t
Route direction (arrange in the left line) for vehicles over 3.5 t
Route direction (arrange in the right line) for vehicles over 3.5 t
Route direction (straight ahead) for vehicles over 3.5 t
Route direction (turn right) for vehicles over 3.5 t
Route direction for vehicles carrying hazardous cargo
Route direction for vehicles carrying water polluting cargo
Route direction for bicyclists
Direction to nearest Autobahn entrance and nearest city through this Autobahn
Indicates the direction to places in a town or city. Bahnhof means train station.
Direction marker on roads other than Autobahn. Indicates the direction and route number, if applicable, of the towns shown on the sign.
Direction sign inside a city. Here showing the direction to the Autobahn, Messe (fair), and the two nearest cities with their respective highway number (if applicable).
Signboard used inside the city for a place name, here the name of a street is shown.
Straße means street.
Direction sign on federal highway
Direction sign on federal highway with lane configurations
Direction to Autobahn routes with city names and highway or Autobahn numbers. The yellow-colored name indicates the federal highway route to the mentioned city.
Sign indicating that Autobahn exit is 1000 meters ahead. The number in the circle indicates the Autobahn exit number. Each exit on the Autobahn has a unique number.
Sign indicating the exit distance to the next city on roads other than Autobahn.
Autohof is 24 hr operated service area off the autobahn. The number in the circle is the exit number of the Autobahn.
Direction sign on the Autobahn. Indicating the next exit distance, city name, and upcoming city on the Autobahn with the Autobahn route number.
Autobahn exit marker: 100m before the exit
Autobahn exit marker: 200m before exit
Autobahn exit marker: 300m before exit
Expressway exit markers: posted at 300m, 200m and 100m before the exit
Autobahn distance signboard. Shows distance to major cities. Below the line are major cities via intersection along with their respective Autobahn route numbers.
Federal Highway or Expressway distance sign
Detour information. These signs are no more installed, but existing signs are still valid.
New detour direction signs on roads other than Autobahn. Sign 455.1-50 is normally placed with a supplementary sign to indicate the distance to detour. Sign 455.2 is placed at the end of the detour.
Detour information sign. This sign is normally placed with a supplementary sign to indicate the distance to detour. Sign 457.2 is placed at the end of the detour.
A layout of the detour route. It indicates road straight ahead is closed. Turn left, follow the route through village A and Village B, then turn right to take the route to the city of Stuttgart.
Autobahn detour sign. This sign is normally posted with a white color supplementary sign that indicates the remaining distance to the start of the detour.
Autobahn detour direction signs: indicating turn left, straight ahead, and turn right respectively.
Autobahn detour direction signs: these signs give advance information about turns i.e. turn
left or right after the signboard. While a straight arrow
Autobahn detour direction sign: arrange in the left lane
Autobahn detour direction sign: arrange in the right lane
Indicates the next detour route (in solid black lines) to get back on the Autobahn after having been current detour route no more available.
Recommended alternate Autobahn route during heavy traffic or traffic jams. There can be a supplementary sign below indicating specific vehicles to take the recommended route.
Recommended alternate Autobahn route: indicating straight ahead
End of the alternate route
Detouring onto the opposite lane. All lanes shift to the left of the median. Arrows indicate the number of lanes on the roadway.
Detouring onto opposite lane. All lanes shift to the right of the median.
Lanes are splitting towards the left of the median, as shown in signs respectively. Sign 501-13 and 501-14 indicate one lane must crossover. Sign 501-15 indicates two of three lanes must shift to the left.
Lanes are splitting towards the right of the median, as shown in signs respectively. Sign 501-23 and 501-24 indicate one lane must crossover. Sign 501-25 indicates two of three lanes must shift to the right.
From straight-ahead moving traffic, lanes are splitting towards the left of the median.
Indicates return of earlier split lane
These two signs indicate return of earlier split lane/lanes.
Lane shift of the median. Vehicles over mentioned width (sign 264) are not allowed in the left lane.
Lane shift of the median. Vehicles over mentioned width (sign 264) are not allowed in the left two lanes.
Similar to previous signs in category 505. Lane shift of the median. Vehicles over mentioned width (sign 264) are not allowed in the left lane/lanes.
Lane shifts in the mentioned direction (here left)
Both lanes shift in the mentioned direction (here left)
All lanes shift in the mentioned direction (here left)
Similar to previous signs in category 511. All lanes shift in the mentioned direction (here right).
Shift to the right hard shoulder
One lane shift to the right hard shoulder
A slight left shift in the lane
A slight left shift in lanes
A slight right shift in the lane
A slight turn in the lane. The second lane is used by oncoming traffic.
A slight turn in the lane. The second lane is used by oncoming traffic.
Lanes shift to the left (There is no median; compare with signs in 505 categories). Vehicles over mentioned width (sign 264) are not allowed in the left lane.
Lanes shift to the left (There is no median; compare signs in 505 categories). Vehicles over mentioned width (sign 264) are not allowed in the left two lanes.
Lanes shift to the right (there is no median). Vehicles over mentioned width (sign 264) are not allowed in the left lane.
Lanes shift to the right (there is no median). Vehicles over the mentioned width (sign 264) are not allowed in the left two lanes.
The following signs show the number of lanes. There is no oncoming traffic. All the lanes are in the straight-ahead direction.
The following signs show the number of lanes in each direction. There is oncoming traffic.
The right lane has a speed limit (as indicated by the speed limit sign).
Right lanes have a speed limit (as indicated by the speed limit sign).
The following signs show that mentioned vehicle types must not use the marked lanes.
Vehicles having a total weight of over 3.5t are not allowed in the left lane.
Vehicles having a total weight of over 3.5t are not allowed in the left two lanes.
Vehicles having a total weight of over 3.5t are not allowed in the left three lanes.
Vehicles having a total weight of over 3.5t are not allowed in the left four lanes.
Following signs show certain lanes with lower speed limits. All the traffic in these lane/lanes must maintain the mentioned minimum speed slow-moving vehicles are not allowed in these lanes.
Following signs show that a lane ends. All traffic users in this lane must merge into the adjacent lane.
Right lane ends
Right lane ends
Right lane ends
Right lane ends
Left lane ends
Left lane ends
Left lane ends
Left lane ends
Lanes with oncoming traffic: Right lane ends
Lanes with oncoming traffic: Left lane ends.
Lanes with oncoming traffic: Left lane ends.
Following signs show that a lane exits.
The following signs show that the minimum speed limit ends in the marked lane/lanes.
The following signs indicate that a line is added.
A lane is added on the left side
A lane is added on the left side
A lane is added on the right side
A lane is added on the right side
There is oncoming traffic lane. A lane is added on the left side.
There are oncoming traffic lanes. A lane is added on the left side.
A lane is added on the left side with the new minimum speed limit.
A lane is added on the left side with a minimum speed limit.
A lane is added on the left side with a minimum speed limit.
Following signs show one or more lanes are being added. There is no merging into the traffic flow.
Following signs show one or more lanes are being added to another roadway. There is no merging of traffic flow.
Block bypass; a special kind of route
The block bypass is special traffic management of the left-turning traffic flow. It is used when limited space on the road prevents the creation of a left-turn lane at an intersection or junction or to avoid the traffic flow of a green wave.
Traffic Installations
Various kinds of barricades
Bollard; placed before pedestrian walking areas or bicycle paths.
Following signs are obstruction markers. Traffic must pass them from the left side.
Following signs are opposite versions of previously shown obstruction markers. Traffic must pass them from the right side.
Other Traffic Installations
Traffic guide cone
Moveable road-lane barrier
Moveable road-lane barrier
Moveable road-lane barrier
Reflecting guidepost (right-hand side). Posted every 50 meters. At intersections, their reflectors are in yellow instead of the normal white color.
Reflecting guidepost (left-hand side). Posted every 50 meters. At intersections, their reflectors are in yellow instead of the normal white color.
Deflector plate (Obstruction marker). This indicates obstruction can be passed from either side.
Deflector plate (Obstruction marker). Indicates that obstruction can be passed from either side.
Parking warning sign for vehicles over 3.5 t and trailers.
Pass on the right.
Parking warning signs must only be opened while the vehicle is parked. Otherwise, they must be folded while driving.
Parking warning sign for vehicles over 3.5 t and trailers. Pass on the left.
This sign is installed with the traffic signal. It indicates that right on red is permissible but only after a complete stop.
General Supplementary Signs
Supplementary signs are not installed alone. They generally have parent signs above them.
An example of a supplementary sign with the main sign
Indicates the direction of the parent sign (here to the left). For example, a gas station or parking garage can sign be posted above this sign.
Indicates the direction of the parent sign (here to the right).
Indicates a hazard after the left turn ahead. Parent sign defining the hazard would be above this supplementary sign.
Indicates a hazard after the right turn ahead. Parent sign defining the actual hazard type is installed above this sign.
Pedestrians must use the sidewalk on the left side of the road.
Pedestrians must use the sidewalk on the right side of the road.
Detour supplementary sign. This sign is used with the main detour sign containing the word "U" to explain the route.
Detour supplementary sign. This sign is used with the main detour sign containing the word "U" to explain the route.
Detour supplementary sign. This sign is used with the main detour sign containing the word "U" to explain the route.
An example of the main detour sign with a supplementary sign
Two opposite horizontal arrows indicate traffic flow in both directions, left and right.
Two opposite vertical arrows indicate traffic flow in both directions, upcoming and ongoing.
Two-way cycle route (from the right and left) at the crossing road
Following supplementary signs show the length of a segment.
Indicates lenght of a segment in meters
Indicates lenght of a segment in kilometers
Continues for the mentioned distance in meters
Continues for the mentioned number of kilometers
At 800 meters
At 24 kilometers
The following signs show the course of the priority road. Priority road is represented with the thicker line. All turning vehicles must signal.
Priority road at the intersection
Priority road at the intersection
Priority road at the intersection
Priority road at the intersection
Priority road at the junction
Priority road at the junction
Priority road at the junction
Priority road at the junction
Priority road at the junction
Priority road at the junction
The following supplementary signs show the remaining distance to what is mention in the main sign.
100 meters ahead (after 100 meter ahead...)
2 km ahead (after 2km ahead...)
Stop 100m ahead
Zipper merge in the mentioned distance ahead
Supplementary signs indicating danger in the written form
Oil slick
Loose chippings
Construction site exit
Damaged road
Muddy road
Blasting work in the area
Construction vehicles; Heavy construction vehicles working/travelling on the road
The roadway is without road markings
The road surface is new
Lane grooves
Left-turning traffic
Skier,s way crosses the road
Ski trail crossing
Hilltop, Knoll
Police check
End of the road shoulder after 200 meters
Do not drive on the road shoulder
Driveway (exit and entrance to a property)
Right-of-way changed
Traffic routing changed
Industrial area; railway traffic has a priority.
Port/harbor area; railway traffic has priority.
Turning around is not possible
Supplementary signs displaying information through symbols
Skidding danger due to strong side wind
The danger of an accident. This sign is posted in an area with a high accident ratio due to several reasons.
Children play on the roadway and side strip
Winter sports allowed
Marking of parking areas on which trailers are allowed to park longer than 14 days.
Indicates a parking area where mobile homes/trailers may be parked for longer than 14 days
Information about motorail for lorries
Cars and other multi-lane vehicles
Motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes, including their towed trailers, excluding passenger cars and buses.
Horse riders
Live stock
Busses and coaches
Passenger cars
Cars with trailers
Trucks with trailers
Motor vehicles that can not or should not drive faster than 25 km/h
All types of motorcycles, also with sidecars and mopeds
Horse-drawn wagons
Electric bicycles
Electrically powered vehicles
Motorhomes & campers
Supplementary signs sharing information via statements
Loading zone
Cyclists dismount
No mopeds
All green signals (green wave) while traveling the mentioned speed in km/h
Stop here at red
Noise prevention (area)
Ramp metering
Secondary route
Old people's home
Drive on the shoulder
Leave the shoulder
Ends after the mentioned distance
Supplementary signs with the German word "frei"
Frei means allowed in the traffic sense. When the word "frei" is written with any symbol or statement, it indicates this action or vehicle is allowed.
For example, a sign for No entry with a supplementary sign showing moped and the word frei indicates mopeds are allowed to enter this street.
Following are some signs with the word "frei".
Handicapped person / persons with a parking pass no. ... are allowed
Cyclists and residents of this area are allowed
Roller skating allowed
Winter sports allowed
Open for residents
Residents or resident's visitors parking only
Only residents with the permit No. ... allowed
Cyclists are allowed
Mopeds are allowed
Motorcycles also with sidecar, mopeds and mopeds are allowed
Bicycles and mopeds are allowed
Passenger cars are allowed
Car with trailer are allowed
Motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes, including their trailers, excluding passenger cars and buses are allowed.
Motorhomes with a gross weight of up to 7.5t are excluded
Taxis are allowed
Buses from occasional services are allowed
Regular public transport is allowed
Emergency vehicles are allowed
Ambulances are allowed
Delivery vehicles are allowed
Agricultural vehicles are allowed
Forestry vehicles are allowed
Agricultural and forestry vehicles are allowed
Operational and utility supply sevices allowed
During the charging process, electric vehicles are allowed
Electric vehicles are allowed
Slurry transport is allowed
Electric bikes are allowed
Construction machines/vehicles are allowed
Allowed until the construction site
Residents are allowed until the construction site
Access to ... is allowed
Ferry users only
Only vehicles with green low emission zone stickers are permitted
Only vehicles with yellow or green low emission zone stickers are permitted
Vehicles with red, yellow or green low emission zone stickers are permitted
More information about emission zones is available on this seperate page.
Supplementary signs for time limitation
Winter sports allowed during the mentioned hours
Time restrictions for whatever mentioned on the main sign
Parking is allowed with the disc for mentioned number of hours (here allowed for 2 hours.)
Parking is allowed with the parking disc in marked areas for the mentioned number of hours (here allowed for 2 hours.)
From the mentioned time and date onwards
Noise prevention during mentioned hours (here from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM)
School way during the mentioned time limit (here from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM )
Supplementary signs for time limitations on weekdays
Working days
On working days during mentioned hours
Monday-Friday, at the mentioned duration of time
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, at the mentioned duration of time
During mentioned hours on Sundays and public holidays
School bus on working days at the mentioned duration of time, excluding Saturdays
Parking is allowed on Saturday and Sunday
On working days except for Saturdays
Supplementary signs with other restrictions
Only disabled persons
Only disabled persons with parking permit numbers ...
Only residents with permit numbers ...
Only vehicles with semitrailers
Only vehicles with semitrailers and trucks with trailers
Only cars with trailers and motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of exceeding 3.5 tonnes, including their trailers
Vehicles slower than 25 km/h can be passed/overtaken
Parking is allowed only in marked areas
With parking voucher
Charges apply
Weight (7.5 tonnes here)
On the road shoulder
If wet
Through traffic
Indicates the parking orientation (pull in straight)
Indicates the parking orientation (pull in diagonally)
No parking on the road shoulder
Also buses and cars with trailers
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Home | Driver's Licence | Driver's license categories | Buying and importing cars | Car inspection in Germany (TÜV) | General Traffic laws and regulations | Driving on Autobahn | Tire regulations | Penalties on Traffic Violations | In case of an accident | Vehicle Parking system in Geramny | Environmental zones in Germany | Right-of-way | Important road signs | List of all road signs | Road markings | Vehicle insurance | Driving training area | Traffic-related German vocabulary | Tuning and performance | Public transport